Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Million Dollar Duck

I love great storytelling whether it's a well-written novel, a story on the radio, or a professional storyteller.  But I think my favorite type of storytelling is the documentary.  Skilled filmmakers can take what might otherwise be a mundane topic and make it interesting, even exciting!

The filmmakers behind The Million Dollar Duck did exactly that -- they made the story of the national duck stamp an edge-of-your-seat movie about an art competition.  If you're not familiar with the duck stamp, it's an annual stamp that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife issues to raise money to support national wildlife refuges.  And raise money it does!  98 cents of every $1 spent on duck stamps goes directly into the national wildlife refuge system.  Since 1934, the duck stamp program has purchased more than 5.7 million acres of wetland habitat.  And it all starts with an art contest.

So here's your next movie night pick!  Pop some popcorn, make a milkshake and enjoy The Million Dollar Duck as it tracks the highly skilled artists who enter the competition each year.  It's definitely worth watching -- here's the trailer.

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